Universal 2700/450/2200

Універсал/Universal 2700/450/2200
Універсал/Universal 2700/450/2200
Універсал/Universal 2700/450/2200
Дуб приморський сатиновий/ Satin coastland oak
Дуб крафт золотий/ Gold craft oak
Німфея альба/ Nimfeja alba
Сірий графіт/ Graphite grey
Дуб сонома відкрита/ Sonoma oak opened
Дуб сонома/ Sonoma oak
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Універсал/Universal 2700/450/2200
Універсал/Universal 2700/450/2200
Універсал/Universal 2700/450/2200
Дуб приморський сатиновий/ Satin coastland oak
Дуб крафт золотий/ Gold craft oak
Німфея альба/ Nimfeja alba
Сірий графіт/ Graphite grey
Дуб сонома відкрита/ Sonoma oak opened
Дуб сонома/ Sonoma oak
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Universal 2700/450/2200. Furniture factory “Garant” produces high-quality and stylish furniture for the living room. Such a room without doubt occupies the main niche in the house, where it is so pleasant to spend time with family and friends, and with our furniture this time will be even more pleasant. On this page you can get acquainted with the collection “Universal 2700/450/2200”. This living room model is complete with silver system, furniture handle DN 96 chrome. Available in 5 contemporary colours. Please note that the colour of the image may differ from the actual material.

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